As the leaves begin to fall and the sun starts setting earlier and earlier, people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, may feel a sense of foreboding about the months ahead.
In an effort to combat their seasonal depression, folks seeking holistic remedies have no doubt stumbled across the countless, glowing testimonials of floatation therapy fans.
But is float therapy good for you? Is float therapy safe? And how can you utilize float therapy for SAD? Keep reading to learn how True REST Float Spa can help you glide smoothly through the seasons and keep you feeling good all year long.
Therapy for SAD: Floatation Relaxation
For those who may be unfamiliar with SAD, or those who are routinely afflicted by SAD but may not realize that it is a widely recognized mental health issue. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a general depression that often occurs during the onset of the Fall and Winter months. While it can also occur during Spring and Summer, most people feel the listless depression and low energy levels associated with SAD most sharply during the cold months.
There are several contributing factors, like decreased sunlight exposure and reduced outdoor physical activity, that combine to make it such a potent downer, but what about therapy for SAD? Fortunately, there are ways to fight back.
When dealing with SAD, a multi-pronged holistic approach, spearheaded by floatation therapy, is the absolute best way to reduce stress levels, calibrate your internal clock, and realign your circadian rhythm. Whether your SAD is Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter, a stress-relieving session at True REST Float Spa will fit perfectly into your treatment regimen.
When combined with other relief routes, such as exercise, outdoor activity, blue light therapy for SAD, vitamin D supplements, and increased natural sunlight exposure, float therapy can bring peace to both your body and mind, allowing you to tackle every challenge SAD throws at you with confidence.
Is Float Therapy Good For You? A Closer Look At The Benefits
There’s no shortage of evidence that indicates float therapy is good for you, and many of its benefits are uniquely suited for people suffering from SAD. Besides being a tool that can lead to overall lower levels of anxiety and depression (especially via repeated sessions), this wonderfully therapeutic technique can also help regulate sleep schedules and normalize nighttime patterns.
By easing the mind into a calm state as you float, much like the process of drifting off to sleep at night, float therapy can help those who may struggle to reach this blissful state, ultimately setting you up for success when it’s time for bed.
The weight of everyday stress, both literal and figurative, can weigh down heavily on the SAD-afflicted among us. Thankfully, a one-hour float session at True REST can make those stressors fade away quickly.. As you float effortlessly atop 1,000 lbs of Epsom Salt and 180 gallons of water, your musculoskeletal system will have a chance to truly relax itself and release accumulated tightness in a zero-gravity environment.
After a proper float with True REST, you’ll feel loose, spry, and ready to take a nice, long walk outside, even when the weather is cold and the sky is gray.
To learn more about the numerous potential benefits of floatation therapy, take a look at our website.
Is Float Therapy Safe?

People who experience increased anxiety during their battles with SAD may at first feel nervous about the idea of floatation therapy, with many folks associating it directly with complete sensory deprivation. While the reduction or complete elimination of external stimuli like lights and sound is certainly an option, first-time floaters or those who are still getting their feet wet are encouraged to start slowly.
We’re happy to tailor the experience to your needs and create the perfect environment for you to fully relax within. Would you like to have the pod door open during your session? Some ambient lighting? A little music? Or nothing at all? At True REST, helping you sink into a peaceful headspace without resorting to pharmaceutical solutions is our mission, and making sure you feel safe is our priority.
Once you get an idea of what you’ll be stepping into, you’ll quickly understand that float therapy is a simple, effective, and inherently safe holistic technique.
Turning SAD Into Glad At True REST Float Spa
We’re eager to help people all over the US discover the power of float therapy, which is why we’re proud to offer first-time floaters a coupon for 50% off their initial session. While you’ll assuredly feel some of your SAD diminish after a single visit, float therapy truly works best through repeated sessions.
We’re confident that, after just one visit, you’ll understand why float therapy is good for you and a strong tool in your struggle against SAD.
If you’re one of the 1.6 million adults who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder each year and are ready to tackle it head on without professional consultation, True REST Float Spa is ready to help. Visit our website to find a location near you and book your first appointment today!
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