6 Years after opening the doors of True REST Float Spa, Nick has a briefcase full of surprises for his first investor: good ol’ dad… Nick and Nick Sr. discuss opening the first store, the progressions in the industry until now and the future of float therapy.

From left to right: Holly Janicki, Nick Janicki Sr., Nick Janicki
Time Stamped Bullet Points:
00:01: Introducing the Float Pod Cast!
01:27 — Meet Pops (Nick Sr.), the original True REST Investor
02:38 — Where did the inspiration for True REST Come from?
02:53 —Nick largely stuck with his original Business Plan
03:11 — Nick chooses a first Pod for his spa
03:30 — From struggling startup to thriving business
03:50 — What was Pops initial feeling when approached to invest?
04:19 — Pops explains his thought process in choosing to invest
04:30 — A solid, logical business plan
04:48 — Pops describes his first float experience
05:30 — Flotation as a “Repeatable” therapy
05:47 — The lack of flotation exposure 6 years ago
06:29— The initial and evolving demographic of flotation therapy
06:50 —Pop’s biggest concern in investing in True REST
07:13 — Nick describes being able to pay off his own debt, and repaying those who helped him
07:25 — Presenting the briefcase full of money
08:20 — “Lets put it back in the bank…”
08:55 —What is Pop’s feeling now that flotation is thriving?
09:07— 3 stores open, 7 Pending— All Fully booked from day 1
09:30 — Nick wants to have 1,000,000 floating within 10 years
09:47 —The learning experiences were really the only “downs”
10:16 — Watch the video version below.
Key Points:
1) Follow your inspiration to completion and amazing things can happen
2) Choose investors who see your vision and understand your business plan
3) Repaying debt feels good!
4) Expect growth and change—flotation was little known 6 years ago, and is now a thriving industry
5) Aim high—set big vision goals that support your company’s mission
1) Find a Float Center near you at FloatationLocations.com
TrueRESTFranchising.com – The fastest growing Floating Franchisor in the World.
FloatPod.com – Manufacturer of premium Float Pods for commercial use. Custom filter and pump packages available upon request.
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