Recognizing that there is significant work to be done in the lives of military and veterans, True REST Float Spa is proud to announce its support of the Yellow Ribbon Fund this Giving Tuesday. As one of the leading and largest global generosity movements, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving serves as a worldwide effort to encourage people to do good, collaborate and celebrate acts of kindness, big or small. Giving Tuesday emboldens everyone to positively impact others and uplift their communities through smiles, small deeds, or donations to nonprofit organizations.

With this message of inspiration and alternative therapies for PTSD (also known as post-traumatic stress disorder), True REST is doing its part to raise awareness and support for military service members and veterans with the Yellow Ribbon Fund and its programs for military and their families. Yellow Ribbon Fund is a veteran’s service organization and nonprofit that provides housing, transportation and caregiver and family support to critically injured and ill post-9/11 service members.

True REST Float Spa and Yellow Ribbon Fund are committed to veterans. With its efficacy rooted in science, float therapy has been proven to help with symptoms of depression, anxiety and chronic pain. However, more research is needed, which is why both organizations have come together to fund float therapy research on PTSD. Additionally, throughout the year True REST helps by donating free float therapy sessions for Yellow Ribbon Fund veterans to begin and bettering military lives and families through holistic therapy and wellness.
This holistic therapy is the simple act of floating in a pod filled with water and 1,000 pounds of Epsom salts. Scientific studies have noted its holistic approach to alleviating symptoms of common mental and physical conditions, such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain and PTSD.

Joining and supporting Yellow Ribbon Fund this year for Giving Tuesday, True REST will spread awareness for the organization to increase opportunities to improve the lives of active-duty military, veterans and their families. Ninety cents of every dollar raised will directly benefit the Yellow Ribbon Fund and the partnership between the nonprofit and True REST to conduct float therapy research and its effects on PTSD.
While not every military member suffers from mental or physical health conditions, many do suffer from ailments resulting from their service, with PTSD being a prominent condition experienced after combat. Researching the benefits of floating provides validity to the practice and serves as a complementary treatment option to improve total well-being.
True REST is proud of its history of supporting the military since 2015, transforming the brand into a franchising business that centers on wellness for all but especially those who have served. Every 11th day of the month, True REST closes its doors to the public and provides free float sessions to active-duty military and veterans, designating those days as U.S. Military Appreciation Day. To date, True REST Float Spa has donated over 18,000 free floatation therapy sessions to U.S. active-duty military and veterans.
Together with the Yellow Ribbon Fund, more military individuals have a chance to recover through exceptional alternative therapies for PTSD. True REST encourages everyone to check out the Yellow Ribbon Fund to learn more about its positive and transformative endeavors for wounded and ill service members,
We hope you will join the Yellow Ribbon Fund and True REST Float Spa on Tuesday, Nov. 30, otherwise known as Giving Tuesday, to make a generous and monumental difference. Every act of generosity counts.
If you give financially or by simply sharing acts of kindness with True REST and the Yellow Ribbon Fund, we ask that you use the hashtags #GivingTuesday, #YellowRibbonFund, #PTSDFloatResearch and #TrueRESTFloatSpa.
One simply and free way to support Yellow Ribbon Fund and True REST Float Spa is to download this “unselfie” template. Simply write in why you support floatation as alternative therapies for PTSD and post on your social media pages. Again, please include the following hashtags: #GivingTuesday, #YellowRibbonFund, #PTSDFloatResearch and #TrueRESTFloatSpa.

To get involved in the Yellow Ribbon Fund and to learn more about donating, visit
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